Monday, 23 September 2013

Positive Affirmations for Gratitude!

These wonderful affirmations for Gratitude can all be found in my book called Positive Affirmations for Gratitude!  which is now available on Amazon Kindle!

If you are quick, you can grab it for Free today and tomorrow! - Click on the link here to grab your copy now!

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Positive Affirmations for Abundance - You Tube video with some affirmations for you to use!

Positive Affirmations for Abundance!

Abundance is having more of everything that you could possibly have ever expected and wished for.  I extend this definition to include all areas of your life!  Becoming abundant is like tuning into a secret source of love, which open s the door for many good and wonderful things to appear in your life!

Using positive affirmations for abundance can really help you focus your thoughts on abundance, and get you into a great mind set for allowing the floe of abundant energy to work for you.

Here are some Positive Affirmations for Abundance to help you!

Appreciate the good things in your life

 My mind remains calm and peaceful at each moment, and I take the time I need each day to reflect on my life, and I am grateful for the wonderful things which exist within my world. 

I have the wisdom of ages to draw from, and I use this wisdom to recognize the beauty and serenity and wonder in all things.

I give thanks on a daily basis for the wonderful people, events and opportunities which occur in my life.

I am grateful for the opportunities which I have to be successful.  I embrace these as they arise, and I act on these in accordance with my own integrity.

I am committed to the goals which I have set for myself, as I know that these are the right goals for me, in order that I may move closer to becoming a true success on a daily basis.  I amend my goals daily, and I recognize and acknowledge the small successes that I make happen on a daily basis.

I am proud of myself and my own achievements.  I am confident, and I have the confidence to share my successes with the world.  I know that the true judge of me is me, and that I set my own benchmarks for success.

I work with abundant enthusiasm, and I have a huge amount of passion for the work that I do, which I love.  When I find that I am not enjoying what I do for my work and for my career, I sit back and ask myself what I need to do in order to change my situation for the better.  Then I simply do it with faith.  This is how I move forward on my journey towards abundance.
You can get many more Positive Affirmations for Abundance in my book here!  I have written this wonderful book especially to help you to go forward and achieve your dreams today!

Thursday, 12 September 2013

FREE TODAY (limited time offer) Positive Affirmations for Confidence and Anxiety!

Grab your free copy now!  While its still Free! Click on the link below!

Here are some Positive Affirmations for  Confidence and Anxiety for you to use.  These are taken from my book, Positive Affirmations for Confidence and Anxiety!  Click on the link above to download your free copy today.

These are taken from Chapter 2 - Find Inner Strength

I have a multitude of options open to me, and always make the best decisions I can for myself.

I am grounded and stable and strong emotionally.

I am willing to make changes in my life which I know will lead me towards greater happiness. 

I understand that making changes can feel daunting, however I take change in my stride, and I have the confidence and faith to see it through.

I always move in a positive direction towards my desires, and even through sometimes it feels hard, I keep going, as I am strong and confident in myself.

I accept criticism with grace, and it no longer emotionally affects me or brings me down.

When I am down and feel alone, I am never afraid, as I know that universal love is all around me.  It is up to me to find a way to allow it in, and I have faith that there is a way through depression, and that I can find it.

I am always supported by love and consciousness, and I believe that I am loved.

I am strong enough to seek help whenever I require it.

I deserve to be happy, and I keep moving forward with belief in my heart that I am loved and that life can get better.

It is ok to be alone and to try and reflect and find peace.

I always go outside each day, as by going walking and leaving the house, I am sending a message to the universe that I am brave and I am strong.

Positive Affirmations for Confidence and Anxiety! FREE TODAY!

Positive Affirmations for Confidence and Anxiety! - Grab your Free Copy Today! (Limited Time Offer)

You can use these Positive Affirmations for Confidence and Anxiety right away, in order to begin your journey towards true success. These positive affirmations have been written especially to help you learn how to boost your confidence and know that you matter! Make the changes to your life today that you desire and dream about! What are you waiting for?

Learn how to overcome your fears, panic attacks, and anxiety issues! Learn to stand up confidently and express yourself. Feel empowered, successful and in control!

These confidence and anxiety affirmations are unique and specifically targeted to focus on helping you move forward into the new confident you, while understanding how your thoughts can help you gain and control your confidence and anxiety issues on a daily basis.. and you will learn exactly how and when to use these to maximize your success!

Build Your Inner Confidence!

Gain the confidence that you need in order to take control of your life, and to direct it in the way that you want it to go, without being afraid!

Build your confidence and self-esteem, overcome fear, banish anxiety, build self-belief, become your own judge, stop panicking, breathe deeply and calmly and much more...

Having the confidence to express yourself is a skill which can be learnt. These positive affirmations for anxiety and confidence will help you to see yourself as a person with an inner glow of confidence, the new you who stands up for you and says what you think and feel in a calm, confident and assertive manner.

Believe in Yourself and Start Confidence Building

This book will also help you to love and accept yourself for who you truly are, as confidence comes from believing in yourself, and knowing that your thoughts and opinions matter. Start building self confidence right away! Remember - You are important, You matter, and Your opinions count!