Monday, 21 October 2013

Positive Affirmations for Health!

Here are some Positive Affirmations for Health for you to enjoy!

I am healthy, happy and whole in every way.  I look after my health by eating healthily, and by looking after my body.

All the cell in my body, in my skin and blood and every organ vibrate with energy and health, in perfect harmony and synchronicity with each other.

I look after and cherish my mind, body and soul by leading a happy life of balance and joy.

My body is able to heal quickly and easily, and does so all the time with my intention and awareness focused on healing, wellbeing and health.

I am in complete control of my health.  I create my optimum healthy state by being vibrant, happy and full of joy and love each day.

I have abundant vitality and tremendous energy, and I live every day with passion and love.

I am truly healthy, and grateful for the opportunities that great health allows me to experience.

I am able to maintain the ideal weight for my height and build.  I enjoy eating healthy and nourishing foods.

I sleep well at night, and I awake feeling calm and refreshed.

I am full of energy and love, and eagerly look forward to doing all the daily activities which are presented to me.

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Positive Affirmations for Work and Your Career!

Here are some Work and Career Affirmations for you to use in order to focus on what you desire to achieve out of your work and your career!

These are all taken from my book called Positive Affirmations for Work and Your Career!  This is Free on Amazon Kindle today and for the next few days.  Click here to grab your copy, while its still free.

Here are some positive affirmations to help you, taken from Chapter 1.

Recognize yourself as an asset

My career rewards me with freedom and financial abundance and prosperity.

I am able to see myself as an asset, and my colleagues recognize my authority and confidence.

I add value to my company by my special and unique talents and abilities.

I have many years of experience in my area of work, and I know that my colleagues and bosses recognize this.

I have many strengths which I can bring to this role.

My experience enables me to problem solve effectively.

I am able to come up with new solutions which can add value to my company.

My role is recognized and I am good at doing it.

I constantly expand my experience and knowledge of this role.

I have a positive attitude to work, I turn up on time and I am willing to learn.

I put myself forward to learn new skills, as I know that this will help me to move forward in my chosen career.

Achieve your desired salary

I understand that to be truly successful I achieve success in all areas of my life, including financial abundance, career success, and being fully supported by the love of family and friends.

I am truly achieving career and financial success on a daily basis, and I am constantly progressing towards my chosen goals, dreams and aspirations.

I earn a great salary in my new job.

I am wealthy, and I am getting wealthier and wealthier every day.

My salary is open to be reviewed, and I am able to confidently state my worth, and how much I know I should be earning.

I work hard, and my boss supports me in my career advancement.

I have the confidence to ask for a pay increase.

I am promoted to the top of my chosen career ladder with the salary I negotiate and deserve.

When my salary is lower than I expect it to be, I take steps to change it, whether these are asking for a pay rise or by looking for another job.  I have belief in my own ability to earn the salary that I want to and deserve to.

I take the time to research my chosen career, in order that I know what salary I am likely to be able to achieve.  When this does not match my expectations, I will rethink what I need to do in order to get me to where I need to be.
Here is my author link to my other books on Positive Affirmations for Amazon.  These have been written especially to help you become successful, in all areas of your life, including love, happiness, success, wealth, gratitude and many more.  Clink on the link here for more information.

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Positive Affirmations Weight Loss! Is Free today for you on Amazon Kindle!

Positive Affirmations Weight Loss!  Free Today for you on Amazon Kindle!

I am delighted to share with you that my new books called Positive Affirmations for Weight Loss!  Is Free Today, and for the next few days, for you to download here! 

Please do take advantage of this and grab your copy while its is still free, and share it with all of your friends.  Just knowing that you have these affirmations to hand whenever you feel you need a helping hand can really motivate you to succeed.

I used these positive affirmations to help me lose weight and reach my ideal weight after having two children.  Positive Affirmations work, as they really help you to stay focused on your goals, rather than letting yourself get distracted on other more negative and self-defeating thought processes.

In order to lose weight successfully, and keep it off, you will need to eat sensibly and healthily and do some exercise, as well as thinking in a positive way.  Positive Affirmations can really help you by allowing you to visualize the new slim and attractive you in your minds eye.  As you exercise, eat sensibly and affirm, you know that with each step you take, you are literally moving towards becoming this person.  You are literally creating the vision that you have of yourself in your minds eye.

Visualizing for Success

When you create the perfect vision of yourself at the size that you want to be, make it a strong picture!  Allow yourself in your minds eye to step out of your shoes, and step into the shoes of the new slim you that you see before you.  Explore with your mind how it feels to be slim.  How does this new slim person think, feel and act?

Really allow yourself to become the new slim you, mentally, physically and emotionally.  Use your positive affirmations to allow you to think and believe that you are already slim, and that you are a true success.  Using this technique helps you to reprogram your subconscious mind.  Once you have done this, your conscious mind will automatically take steps to align with your subconscious mind.  This new alignment of your beliefs will help you to keep on track as you progress towards your target weight.  For more information on V.S.E.E. the incredible affirmations technique, check out my website here  and Amazon here 

This technique literally allows you to engage every aspect of yourself in order to achieve your dreams, and once you master it, there is no going back!

How to use your Positive Affirmations

Pick perhaps 5 or 6 positive affirmations for weight loss that really resonate with you, and memorize them if you can.  Stand up tall in front of a mirror and smile at yourself.  Repeat your chosen positive affirmations out loud, and believe in them as you say them.  Visualize the new slim you, and be proud to be you. If you get time, do this three or four times a day.  Breathe deeply, and really feel yourself becoming the vision that you have created.  Repeat these every day as you progress towards your weight loss goals.

Remember, each and every day you will move one step closer to the new you that you are now holding a vision of in your minds eye.  As you affirm, bring this vision of you into the present moment.  Each step that you take today will help you achieve  your goals, and be truly successful.  When you get each present moment right, each moment as it occurs, takes you to where you want to be, and towards the new slim you. - Grab your copy today! 

I am really pleased to be able to share these positive affirmations with you!

Have a wonderful day!
Caroline Kingsbury


Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Positive Affirmations for Weight Loss! Use these affirmations to help you become and stay slim!

Here are some Positive Affirmations for you to use to become and to stay slim.  These are taken from my book called Positive Affirmations for Weight Loss! - Available now on Amazon Kindle!
Becoming slim makes me feel fabulous and I look forward to each day as my new slimmer weight.
As I become slimmer and move towards my optimum weight I enjoy my increased confidence and looks.
I am truly grateful for the wonderful world which I experience on a daily basis.
Healthy foods taste fabulous, and it is a joy and a privilege for me to enjoy healthy food every day in the full knowledge that my body moves towards my optimal state of weight and health as a result.
I enjoy losing weight, as by working out and exercising I have made lots of new friends, and we all support and motivate each other and share our goals together.
I consider the health of the foods I eat before I eat them, and I love eating fruit and vegetables throughout my day as I recognise their nutritional value in my life.
I am truly grateful for the variety and abundance of healthy food available to me on a daily basis, and I choose healthy snacks every time.

Become Slim and Stay Slim

Losing weight comes naturally to me and I enjoy losing weight and stickling to my slimness goals.
Being slim and healthy is the natural state for me, and I love being slim and toned.
I see myself as slim and healthy, and as I stick to my daily weight loss plan, I am moving towards my ideal weight and my slimness goals on a daily basis.
I eat a healthy balanced diet, and I eat nutritious food for my height.
I understand that fruit and vegetables are very healthy for me, and I make sure that I eat plenty of these on a daily basis.
Retaining my chosen slim and beautiful figure is a natural and enjoyable process for me.
Becoming slim makes me feel fabulous and I look forward to each day as my new slimmer weight.

As I become slimmer and move towards my optimum weight I enjoy my increased confidence and looks.

I am truly grateful for the wonderful world which I experience on a daily basis.

Healthy foods taste fabulous, and it is a joy and a privilege for me to enjoy healthy food every day in the full knowledge that my body moves towards my optimal state of weight and health as a result.

I enjoy losing weight, as by working out and exercising I have made lots of new friends, and we all support and motivate each other and share our goals together.

I consider the health of the foods I eat before I eat them, and I love eating fruit and vegetables throughout my day as I recognise their nutritional value in my life.

I am truly grateful for the variety and abundance of healthy food available to me on a daily basis, and I choose healthy snacks every time.
You can use these affirmations on a daily basis to help you with your weight loss goals.
I wish you every success!
Caroline Kingsbury
PS.  Positive Affirmations for Weight Loss is Free today and for the next few days - so click here to grab your free copy now!