the tremendous strength hidden within Power Affirmations.
Taken from
High level power affirmations are
over-riding and all encompassing, higher level affirmations which heighten your
overall vibrational being. These are short and loving, and have a high loving
These powerful affirmations act as the
core for setting your future intentions. These high level vibrations act as a
neutralizing pallet, for you to begin creating from a base level intention of
The daily usage and repetition of these
power affirmations will start to dissolve and neutralize all the negative
energy held within you. All the anger,
hurt, pain and sadness, that has been part of you up until this moment, will
begin to leave you, and will dissipate away, leaving you feeling calm and at
peace, with love and joy as the new basic state from which you now
operate. This is the tremendous power of
the power affirmations, which now belongs to you.
As you repeat these power affirmations,
you halt the incessant chatter in your mind and replace it with the stronger
positive overriding resonance of love.
As this replaces the negative thoughts that you are having, it allows
your brain to create new neural patters of electrical activity. These become stronger and stronger with each
and every day that you use your power and positive affirmations, and in time
they will override and replace your negative thoughts, and help you to break
the cycle of negative thinking. By using
these you allow yourself a break, time out to relax and refocus – to
neutralise. They are also very relaxing
and rhythmic, and can help you de stress and relax before sleep.
You can use this power to bring your
total self into a position of love. By
using the power affirmations you can start to forgive yourself and others
through the simple acceptance of love into your mind. Allow love to permeate your whole world. You can align the mind, body, physical and
emotional, and soul or spiritual aspects of yourself, into one whole, and you
will start to begin to feel joyous and happy and at peace.
When you want to achieve something that
is important to you, alignment of every aspect of yourself is crucially
important. If one aspect of yourself is
out of sync, then the vibrational through message that you transmit is
confused, and you will thwart your desired outcome. This means that what you, think, say and do
need to all give off the same message and focus. Using power affirmations will bring you to a
calm place, where you can then see clearly what it is that you want to achieve,
and how you may take actions to support your desires, without negative emotions
from your past holding you back.
Equally if you hold to negative emotions
from the past, these can retrigger when you have a similar experience. An example of this is when you may have felt
hurt by the outcome of an argument in a previous relationship. When you disagree with someone now, this
triggers all the feelings of anger and resentment that are related to the
previous argument. This is called
programming or imprinting. Using power
affirmations helps to calm you down when this occurs, giving you some time
where your mind is calm so that you can see what is the real cause of the way
that you feel. Power affirmations are a great way to de-stress and recognise
what is happening when you feel a strong emotional reaction. You can then use positive affirmations to put
a strong forward thinking thought into your mind, to help you cope in a
positive way. An example would be “ I
understand why I feel the way I do, however I am now ready and willing to let
the negative emotions go, and move forward into a happier state of mind. Thank you for letting me learn from this
Power Affirmations to create a firm foundation for change.
Power affirmations allow you to free
yourself from self-inhibiting negative vibrations, and restore your internal
vibrational harmony. They reset your
core beliefs back to strong, positive and powerful vibrations. These form the bedrock vibrations of
acceptance, love, forgiveness, harmony, joy, peace, abundance and prosperity,
which are all higher level vibrations.
When you start to resonate with these ideas as the core of your being,
you establish a strong positive foundation within yourself for wellbeing and
Here are some power affirmations:
I am love, I am joy, I radiate joy, I am
harmony, I am joy, I experience peace, I am gratitude, I am love, I am
happiness, I am contentment, I am peace, I am gratitude, I am forgiveness, I
radiate harmony, I experience joy, I am love.
I have deliberately written these for
you as a paragraph, because when you affirm using these, you need to repeat
them over and over. Repeat them you
yourself over and over, slowly and clearly.
As you say each statement, whether aloud or in your head, think about
what each one means, and imagine that you are receiving love from the universe
with each statement that you say.
We like to sit around as a family in the
evenings and repeat these together, sharing our love for each other together
and the universe. We also like to hum
these as a melody as these are very happy and harmonious affirmations. You can find a way that suits you. It is important to say these aloud as this
gives out a very clear message that you mean what you are thinking, and you
will hear yourself speak, which is in itself reinforcing the message that you
are thinking. Do also repeat these over
and over in your head, whenever you can throughout your day.
The more you can keep repeating your
power affirmations, the more effective they will be. Make this a way of life, and use them daily
to halt your negative thoughts. Don’t
worry if you find it difficult at first, or if it feels weird when you say
them. As with all things new it can take
a while for them to feel natural to you.
The key is to use them, and keep using them as often as possible. They do work, and the more you bring awareness
to them and use them, the easier it becomes.
You can add to these power affirmations
as you wish to. However the rule is that
these must be stated as I am, I radiate, or I vibrate. The essence of these is that as you repeat
them you are becoming the affirmation, so as you affirm I am love, so you
literally become the vibration of love.
Always affirm in the present tense, as there is only now.
As you repeat these, you will literally
after 10 minutes physically feel lifted, as your energy will change, and you
will be vibrating at a new higher level.
These power affirmations are just what they are called, powerful, and
Power affirmations are harmonies of pure
love, at the highest collective level, wonderful vibrations, and melodies of
pure joy. Here are some more for you to
am love, I am joy, I am happiness, I am harmony, I am praise, I am gratitude, I
am thanks, I am creation, I am abundance, I am wealth, I am wonderment, I am
am abundance, I am health, I am love, I am prosperity, I am joy, I am peace, I
radiate harmony, I am love, I am praise, I am love, I am happy, I am joyous, I
am peace, I am harmony, I am healthy, I am faith.
am purity, I am essence, I am joy, I radiate love, I am prosperous, I am
praise, I am beauty, I radiate peace, I vibrate love, I am wonder, I am joy, I
vibrate harmony, I am health, I vibrate joy.
When you repeat these affirmations, you
can repeat these different affirmations over and over in differing orders. It is also helpful to repeat these in the
evening when you have wound down for the day.
Find a place to sit quietly with some relaxing music on if you like, and
dim your lights. Begin to repeat these
over and over to yourself, in any order that you like.
Amazingly, the effect of repeating these
is that your brainwaves and your breathing will slow down. Your cellular energy
will become relaxed and content, and your whole body will feel relaxed and
attuned, as if you have literally reset yourself back to neutral. You will begin to smile inwardly to yourself. You will begin to feel happy. You will literally begin to resonate the
energy of love out to the entire universe.
This is an extract from Positive Affirmations for Success... in all areas of your life!
Also see my other books here
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