Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Positive Affirmations for Health!- Use these everyday to promote great health.

Here are some Positive Affirmations for Health for you to use every day.

These are all taken from my new book called Positive Affirmations for Health!
Click here for more details http://myBook.to/PosAffsHealth

Achieve Optimal Health

I have perfect health, and I easily and effortlessly maintain perfect health every day throughout my life.

I look after and cherish my mind, body and soul by leading a happy life of balance and joy.

I am in complete control of my health.  I create my optimum healthy state by being vibrant, happy and full of joy and love each day.

I have abundant vitality and tremendous energy, and I live every day with passion and love.

I am truly healthy, and grateful for the opportunities that great health allows me to experience.

I sleep well at night, and I awake feeling calm and refreshed.

I am full of energy and love, and eagerly look forward to doing all the daily activities which are presented to me.

I am healthy, happy and whole in every way.  I look after my health by eating healthily, and by looking after my body.

All the cell in my body, in my skin and blood and every organ vibrate with energy and health, in perfect harmony and synchronicity with each other.

Allow your body to heal

My body is able to heal quickly and easily, and does so all the time with my intention and awareness focused on healing, wellbeing and health.

My mind and soul are truly at peace, and within the deep core of my spiritual self I feel contentment and love.

I love and care for myself, and I actively communicate with every cell in my body on a daily basis, and ask each cell to be healthy and to work in harmony with every other cell.

I visualize my cells as containing healthy energy, and I ask all unhealthy cells to cease to exist, and to be replaced with healthy cells. 

I offer gratitude as I know that renewal happens all the time within my wonderful body.

My body is completely healthy and happy and I see myself as wonderful in every way.

I am happy to receive full health from the universe, and I feel strong, whole and completely alive.

My vibrational level of health and wellness increases every second, as I think healthier thoughts so I become happier and whole.

I achieve great balance within my life, and I am very healthy in my body, mind and spiritual self, combined.

I embrace life, and I am strong and calm and overflowing with abundance and health.

I hope you enjoy these!  It is important to be healthy, as having our health allows us to get the most that we can out of each day of our lives.  Combining this with a positive outlook can really enhance your life, and will make it more enjoyable on a day to day basis.

These are all taken from my new book called Positive Affirmations for Health!
Click here for more details http://myBook.to/PosAffsHealth




Wednesday, 6 November 2013

The most potent weapon for achieving health is that of the mind!

The most potent weapon for achieving health is that of our mind.

Scientific research today shows us that the mind and the way we think is crucial for achieving good health, and living a healthy life.  Amazingly tests carried out when a patient is under clinical hypnosis show that someone who is told that they are being burned by a red hot object will physically produce a blister, even though the object they were touched with was at room temperature.  This happened simply because the patients believed that it would occur.

Current medical research goes as far as to suggest that up to 70% of successful treatments may be completely based on the understanding that the patient believes that the treatment will work.  We also know that stress has a huge factor in creating negative thoughts and feelings that are harmful to the body, as stress floods our body with negative chemical messages which can and do adversely affect our health, both mentally and physically.

 The mind is our most potent weapon in the battle for health.  By thinking healthily and believing that we can attain optimal health we literally flood our bodies with healing and feel good chemicals, which help us to lead a healthy life.  Believing that we can be healthy is key to this.  Ultimately whatever we think and believe in is what we experience in our daily lives.  Therefore thinking positive and healthy thoughts is crucial to our wellbeing, and ultimately our health.

Here are a few ways for you to adjust your mindset to promote good health.  Take a deep breath hold it excel it then repeat this for five to ten minutes.  Take a walk out in the countryside and immerse yourself in nature breathing in the beautiful fresh air.  Laugh a lot - when you do you allow more oxygen into your lungs improving your heart rate and boosting your immune system.  Writing a diary about emotionally charged events can also help you to understand deal with them after they occur.  Physically spend time with people, chat and have fun.  All of these will dramatically increase your sense of wellbeing when you repeat they daily over time.

 Also, be aware of where your energy is going.  If you're spending a lot of time thinking negative thoughts be aware that these could be contributing directly to ill health.  Think about things you enjoy doing and things that make you happy.  Visualize doing these things again and experience the feelings you felt when you did them for real - your body chemistry will change in a hugely beneficial way as a result.  Visualize again doing the things that you loved as a child in order to re-stimulate your body to react in a positive way.  Thinking positively can really help you to live a healthy and full life, and you can use these positive affirmations to help you to focus your thoughts on achieving optimal health.

 When you read these Positive affirmations, you will see that some of them are affirming about actions, for example, “I eat a balanced and healthy diet”.  Now the point of this positive affirmation is that when you affirm it you also need to take the necessary action in your life in order to achieve what it says.  There is not point affirming that you eat a healthy diet when you know that you don’t.  Unless you are prepared to take the action behind the affirmation, then all the affirming you can do will not help you achieve the goal within this positive affirmation.  Acting with intention to achieve is how affirmations work so well, firstly you focus your mind, and then you act with the intention to achieve it. 

Once you get your thoughts in order, then achieving becomes easy, as you act in line with your thoughts.  When your thoughts and actions are in line with each other, you are being true to yourself.  This harmony and integrity will allow you to focus even more on having healthy thoughts, and as you act in accordance with them, then you will begin to leader an even healthier life.  As you move forward in this way you become successful.  This is the true power of the mind, that thinking about what we want to experience and following it through with intention ultimately creates success.  It all begins with just a thought.  So make sure your thoughts are what you want them to be!  I wish you every success, and great health!
The above extract is taken from by soon to be released book called Positive Affirmations for Health!
Click here to find more Positive Affirmations in my book series:

Monday, 21 October 2013

Positive Affirmations for Health!

Here are some Positive Affirmations for Health for you to enjoy!

I am healthy, happy and whole in every way.  I look after my health by eating healthily, and by looking after my body.

All the cell in my body, in my skin and blood and every organ vibrate with energy and health, in perfect harmony and synchronicity with each other.

I look after and cherish my mind, body and soul by leading a happy life of balance and joy.

My body is able to heal quickly and easily, and does so all the time with my intention and awareness focused on healing, wellbeing and health.

I am in complete control of my health.  I create my optimum healthy state by being vibrant, happy and full of joy and love each day.

I have abundant vitality and tremendous energy, and I live every day with passion and love.

I am truly healthy, and grateful for the opportunities that great health allows me to experience.

I am able to maintain the ideal weight for my height and build.  I enjoy eating healthy and nourishing foods.

I sleep well at night, and I awake feeling calm and refreshed.

I am full of energy and love, and eagerly look forward to doing all the daily activities which are presented to me.

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Positive Affirmations for Work and Your Career!

Here are some Work and Career Affirmations for you to use in order to focus on what you desire to achieve out of your work and your career!

These are all taken from my book called Positive Affirmations for Work and Your Career!  This is Free on Amazon Kindle today and for the next few days.  Click here to grab your copy, while its still free. http://myBook.to/PosAffsWorkCareer

Here are some positive affirmations to help you, taken from Chapter 1.

Recognize yourself as an asset

My career rewards me with freedom and financial abundance and prosperity.

I am able to see myself as an asset, and my colleagues recognize my authority and confidence.

I add value to my company by my special and unique talents and abilities.

I have many years of experience in my area of work, and I know that my colleagues and bosses recognize this.

I have many strengths which I can bring to this role.

My experience enables me to problem solve effectively.

I am able to come up with new solutions which can add value to my company.

My role is recognized and I am good at doing it.

I constantly expand my experience and knowledge of this role.

I have a positive attitude to work, I turn up on time and I am willing to learn.

I put myself forward to learn new skills, as I know that this will help me to move forward in my chosen career.

Achieve your desired salary

I understand that to be truly successful I achieve success in all areas of my life, including financial abundance, career success, and being fully supported by the love of family and friends.

I am truly achieving career and financial success on a daily basis, and I am constantly progressing towards my chosen goals, dreams and aspirations.

I earn a great salary in my new job.

I am wealthy, and I am getting wealthier and wealthier every day.

My salary is open to be reviewed, and I am able to confidently state my worth, and how much I know I should be earning.

I work hard, and my boss supports me in my career advancement.

I have the confidence to ask for a pay increase.

I am promoted to the top of my chosen career ladder with the salary I negotiate and deserve.

When my salary is lower than I expect it to be, I take steps to change it, whether these are asking for a pay rise or by looking for another job.  I have belief in my own ability to earn the salary that I want to and deserve to.

I take the time to research my chosen career, in order that I know what salary I am likely to be able to achieve.  When this does not match my expectations, I will rethink what I need to do in order to get me to where I need to be.
Here is my author link to my other books on Positive Affirmations for Amazon.  These have been written especially to help you become successful, in all areas of your life, including love, happiness, success, wealth, gratitude and many more.  Clink on the link here for more information.

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Positive Affirmations Weight Loss! Is Free today for you on Amazon Kindle!

Positive Affirmations Weight Loss!  Free Today for you on Amazon Kindle!

I am delighted to share with you that my new books called Positive Affirmations for Weight Loss!  Is Free Today, and for the next few days, for you to download here! 

Please do take advantage of this and grab your copy while its is still free, and share it with all of your friends.  Just knowing that you have these affirmations to hand whenever you feel you need a helping hand can really motivate you to succeed.

I used these positive affirmations to help me lose weight and reach my ideal weight after having two children.  Positive Affirmations work, as they really help you to stay focused on your goals, rather than letting yourself get distracted on other more negative and self-defeating thought processes.

In order to lose weight successfully, and keep it off, you will need to eat sensibly and healthily and do some exercise, as well as thinking in a positive way.  Positive Affirmations can really help you by allowing you to visualize the new slim and attractive you in your minds eye.  As you exercise, eat sensibly and affirm, you know that with each step you take, you are literally moving towards becoming this person.  You are literally creating the vision that you have of yourself in your minds eye.

Visualizing for Success

When you create the perfect vision of yourself at the size that you want to be, make it a strong picture!  Allow yourself in your minds eye to step out of your shoes, and step into the shoes of the new slim you that you see before you.  Explore with your mind how it feels to be slim.  How does this new slim person think, feel and act?

Really allow yourself to become the new slim you, mentally, physically and emotionally.  Use your positive affirmations to allow you to think and believe that you are already slim, and that you are a true success.  Using this technique helps you to reprogram your subconscious mind.  Once you have done this, your conscious mind will automatically take steps to align with your subconscious mind.  This new alignment of your beliefs will help you to keep on track as you progress towards your target weight.  For more information on V.S.E.E. the incredible affirmations technique, check out my website here http://bit.ly/1evf5Op  and Amazon here http://viewbook.at/PosAffsforSuccess 

This technique literally allows you to engage every aspect of yourself in order to achieve your dreams, and once you master it, there is no going back!

How to use your Positive Affirmations

Pick perhaps 5 or 6 positive affirmations for weight loss that really resonate with you, and memorize them if you can.  Stand up tall in front of a mirror and smile at yourself.  Repeat your chosen positive affirmations out loud, and believe in them as you say them.  Visualize the new slim you, and be proud to be you. If you get time, do this three or four times a day.  Breathe deeply, and really feel yourself becoming the vision that you have created.  Repeat these every day as you progress towards your weight loss goals.

Remember, each and every day you will move one step closer to the new you that you are now holding a vision of in your minds eye.  As you affirm, bring this vision of you into the present moment.  Each step that you take today will help you achieve  your goals, and be truly successful.  When you get each present moment right, each moment as it occurs, takes you to where you want to be, and towards the new slim you.

http://viewbook.at/PosAffsWeightloss - Grab your copy today! 

I am really pleased to be able to share these positive affirmations with you!

Have a wonderful day!
Caroline Kingsbury



Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Positive Affirmations for Weight Loss! Use these affirmations to help you become and stay slim!

Here are some Positive Affirmations for you to use to become and to stay slim.  These are taken from my book called Positive Affirmations for Weight Loss! - Available now on Amazon Kindle!
Becoming slim makes me feel fabulous and I look forward to each day as my new slimmer weight.
As I become slimmer and move towards my optimum weight I enjoy my increased confidence and looks.
I am truly grateful for the wonderful world which I experience on a daily basis.
Healthy foods taste fabulous, and it is a joy and a privilege for me to enjoy healthy food every day in the full knowledge that my body moves towards my optimal state of weight and health as a result.
I enjoy losing weight, as by working out and exercising I have made lots of new friends, and we all support and motivate each other and share our goals together.
I consider the health of the foods I eat before I eat them, and I love eating fruit and vegetables throughout my day as I recognise their nutritional value in my life.
I am truly grateful for the variety and abundance of healthy food available to me on a daily basis, and I choose healthy snacks every time.

Become Slim and Stay Slim

Losing weight comes naturally to me and I enjoy losing weight and stickling to my slimness goals.
Being slim and healthy is the natural state for me, and I love being slim and toned.
I see myself as slim and healthy, and as I stick to my daily weight loss plan, I am moving towards my ideal weight and my slimness goals on a daily basis.
I eat a healthy balanced diet, and I eat nutritious food for my height.
I understand that fruit and vegetables are very healthy for me, and I make sure that I eat plenty of these on a daily basis.
Retaining my chosen slim and beautiful figure is a natural and enjoyable process for me.
Becoming slim makes me feel fabulous and I look forward to each day as my new slimmer weight.

As I become slimmer and move towards my optimum weight I enjoy my increased confidence and looks.

I am truly grateful for the wonderful world which I experience on a daily basis.

Healthy foods taste fabulous, and it is a joy and a privilege for me to enjoy healthy food every day in the full knowledge that my body moves towards my optimal state of weight and health as a result.

I enjoy losing weight, as by working out and exercising I have made lots of new friends, and we all support and motivate each other and share our goals together.

I consider the health of the foods I eat before I eat them, and I love eating fruit and vegetables throughout my day as I recognise their nutritional value in my life.

I am truly grateful for the variety and abundance of healthy food available to me on a daily basis, and I choose healthy snacks every time.
You can use these affirmations on a daily basis to help you with your weight loss goals.
I wish you every success!
Caroline Kingsbury
PS.  Positive Affirmations for Weight Loss is Free today and for the next few days - so click here to grab your free copy now!



Monday, 23 September 2013

Positive Affirmations for Gratitude!

These wonderful affirmations for Gratitude can all be found in my book called Positive Affirmations for Gratitude!  which is now available on Amazon Kindle!

If you are quick, you can grab it for Free today and tomorrow! - Click on the link here to grab your copy now!

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Positive Affirmations for Abundance - You Tube video with some affirmations for you to use!

Positive Affirmations for Abundance!

Abundance is having more of everything that you could possibly have ever expected and wished for.  I extend this definition to include all areas of your life!  Becoming abundant is like tuning into a secret source of love, which open s the door for many good and wonderful things to appear in your life!

Using positive affirmations for abundance can really help you focus your thoughts on abundance, and get you into a great mind set for allowing the floe of abundant energy to work for you.

Here are some Positive Affirmations for Abundance to help you!

Appreciate the good things in your life

 My mind remains calm and peaceful at each moment, and I take the time I need each day to reflect on my life, and I am grateful for the wonderful things which exist within my world. 

I have the wisdom of ages to draw from, and I use this wisdom to recognize the beauty and serenity and wonder in all things.

I give thanks on a daily basis for the wonderful people, events and opportunities which occur in my life.

I am grateful for the opportunities which I have to be successful.  I embrace these as they arise, and I act on these in accordance with my own integrity.

I am committed to the goals which I have set for myself, as I know that these are the right goals for me, in order that I may move closer to becoming a true success on a daily basis.  I amend my goals daily, and I recognize and acknowledge the small successes that I make happen on a daily basis.

I am proud of myself and my own achievements.  I am confident, and I have the confidence to share my successes with the world.  I know that the true judge of me is me, and that I set my own benchmarks for success.

I work with abundant enthusiasm, and I have a huge amount of passion for the work that I do, which I love.  When I find that I am not enjoying what I do for my work and for my career, I sit back and ask myself what I need to do in order to change my situation for the better.  Then I simply do it with faith.  This is how I move forward on my journey towards abundance.
You can get many more Positive Affirmations for Abundance in my book here!  I have written this wonderful book especially to help you to go forward and achieve your dreams today!

Thursday, 12 September 2013

FREE TODAY (limited time offer) Positive Affirmations for Confidence and Anxiety!

Grab your free copy now!  While its still Free! Click on the link below!

Here are some Positive Affirmations for  Confidence and Anxiety for you to use.  These are taken from my book, Positive Affirmations for Confidence and Anxiety!  Click on the link above to download your free copy today.

These are taken from Chapter 2 - Find Inner Strength

I have a multitude of options open to me, and always make the best decisions I can for myself.

I am grounded and stable and strong emotionally.

I am willing to make changes in my life which I know will lead me towards greater happiness. 

I understand that making changes can feel daunting, however I take change in my stride, and I have the confidence and faith to see it through.

I always move in a positive direction towards my desires, and even through sometimes it feels hard, I keep going, as I am strong and confident in myself.

I accept criticism with grace, and it no longer emotionally affects me or brings me down.

When I am down and feel alone, I am never afraid, as I know that universal love is all around me.  It is up to me to find a way to allow it in, and I have faith that there is a way through depression, and that I can find it.

I am always supported by love and consciousness, and I believe that I am loved.

I am strong enough to seek help whenever I require it.

I deserve to be happy, and I keep moving forward with belief in my heart that I am loved and that life can get better.

It is ok to be alone and to try and reflect and find peace.

I always go outside each day, as by going walking and leaving the house, I am sending a message to the universe that I am brave and I am strong.

Positive Affirmations for Confidence and Anxiety! FREE TODAY!

Positive Affirmations for Confidence and Anxiety!

http://viewbook.at/PosAffsConf - Grab your Free Copy Today! (Limited Time Offer)

You can use these Positive Affirmations for Confidence and Anxiety right away, in order to begin your journey towards true success. These positive affirmations have been written especially to help you learn how to boost your confidence and know that you matter! Make the changes to your life today that you desire and dream about! What are you waiting for?

Learn how to overcome your fears, panic attacks, and anxiety issues! Learn to stand up confidently and express yourself. Feel empowered, successful and in control!

These confidence and anxiety affirmations are unique and specifically targeted to focus on helping you move forward into the new confident you, while understanding how your thoughts can help you gain and control your confidence and anxiety issues on a daily basis.. and you will learn exactly how and when to use these to maximize your success!

Build Your Inner Confidence!

Gain the confidence that you need in order to take control of your life, and to direct it in the way that you want it to go, without being afraid!

Build your confidence and self-esteem, overcome fear, banish anxiety, build self-belief, become your own judge, stop panicking, breathe deeply and calmly and much more...

Having the confidence to express yourself is a skill which can be learnt. These positive affirmations for anxiety and confidence will help you to see yourself as a person with an inner glow of confidence, the new you who stands up for you and says what you think and feel in a calm, confident and assertive manner.

Believe in Yourself and Start Confidence Building

This book will also help you to love and accept yourself for who you truly are, as confidence comes from believing in yourself, and knowing that your thoughts and opinions matter. Start building self confidence right away! Remember - You are important, You matter, and Your opinions count!

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

How to use your Positive Affirmations to help you.

Affirmations work by allowing your mind to focus on positive thoughts which channels your energy flow in a new direction.  Repeat you affirmations out loud with a big smile on your face, and visualize in your mind's eye exactly what you want to appear in your life. 


As the world around you start to shift to provide it for you, be open to and recognise this change, and go with it.  Act with intention towards your desired outcome.  And believe completely that it will happen as you see it in your minds eye.


Happiness often comes from letting go of thoughts in our minds which repeat themselves over and over.  Quite often we have a strong negative emotional attachment to these, and they can dominate our thinking time.  Using your affirmations for happiness by deliberately saying them aloud, is an effective way to turn off these negative thoughts. 


It can take some time, depending on the strength of the emotional connection with the negative thought.  With practice and repetition this becomes easier, and your affirmations and positive thoughts will replace the negative ones.


Try this exercise today.  Bring awareness to your thought process.  Whenever to catch yourself having a negative thought, say to yourself STOP, and then repeat a happy and positive affirmation which you like.  Do this as you go throughout your day.  You will find with practice, that you can turn off your negative thoughts and replace these with happy affirmations whenever you choose.


Affirmations are more powerful when spoken aloud with a smile. This is because you are bringing one of your senses into play, and doubling the impact.  So if you can find 5 minutes throughout your day to read your affirmations out loud then do.  Otherwise, repeat them in your mind with conviction.


Have a wonderful day!

Monday, 12 August 2013

Best Indie Book! Positive Affirmations for Love!

Learn more about by book, Positive Affirmations for Love!

Positive Affirmations for Love! is FREE today for you to download on Amazon Kindle.
Click on my ad link above, for more information!  You can learn all about me, my book and even find out what is my favourite book of all time!

And here are some more affirmations for Love for you to use!

Love emanates and radiates from my soul throughout every cell of my being at all times.

Love pervades through me and my body emanates and vibrates at the harmony of love.

I receive love easily, joyously and peacefully, and I love being loving.

I release all worries and fears, and allow love to find me effortlessly.

I recognize that it is love that unites the universe, and that love is the true creative energy of all things.

The greatest thing that I have to offer to the world ultimately is love.

I am deserving of a great love in my life.

I believe and acknowledge that all relationships are able to be joyous harmonious happy and delightful.

I am ready and open to the receiving of loving in my world.

I am ready for a loving relationship to come into my life.

I am open to the idea of love, and act on the wavelengths of love.

Sunday, 11 August 2013

Positive Affirmations for Happiness! Be happy today!

Be happy today.  Happiness is a choice which comes from within, and is expressed from a position of love within us to the world.  You can use these affirmations, just as they are in your own life to become deeply and truly happy.  Also you can change the affirmations to make them specific to your own circumstances.  Repeat them to yourself as you go about your day!  If you can say them out loud and smile as you do, so much the better.  Have a wonderful day!

Allow love to enter your life!

Here are some Positive Affirmations on love for you to enjoy!

Positive Affirmations for Love! Watch this and use these affirmations to help you express and feel love!

Hello, I have recorded some more positive affirmations for love for you to use in your life to help you to express love, and to accept love into your world!  Love is a wonderful experience, and I truly want you to be happy and allow love to flow through you.

Positive Affirmations for Happiness will be Free on Wednesday 14th to Sun 18th Aug!

Positive Affirmations for Happiness will be free for you to download on Amazon Kindle from Weds 14th August to Sun 18th August.  Grab your copy here http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CWKR2QQ - US link, and here is the UK onehttp://amzn.to/16CCHjh

Positive Affirmations for Love - FREE for you today!

Positive Affirmations for Love! is FREE today for you to download on Amazon Kindle!  Click on the links to grab your copy today! http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DV1DSWM - US Link, and here is the UK link - http://amzn.to/1cxIhrx

Thursday, 8 August 2013

Positive Affirmations for Love! Love is the most important experience that we can have in our lives.

I believe that Love is the most important experience that we can have in our lives.

Love is the creative expression of the universe, the flow of energy which supports us all.  As humans, when we fall in love, we share a magical connection, and create unique and beautiful moments together.  These moments are created from a harmonious vibration of universal energy - a symphony of infinite beauty.

There are different ways to experience love as well.  When you operate from a position of love within your heart, you experience the world in a wonderful way, and you see the love and beauty that is all around.  When people talk about being blinded by love, this is the experience that they are referring to, the flow of the life force of love that block out all negative aspects of life.  Love is a force, the creative force of the universe, and we are truly blessed to be able to experience this as humans within our lives.

As people, we transmit energy, which connects us to others.  When we allow love to flow freely through us, our lives are wonderful and we feel truly happy and blessed.  When we close ourselves off to love (and there are many reasons for this to occur) we experience negative energy and thoughts, and we halt the flow of universal energy.  The negative energy remains trapped inside of us and drains us, physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally.  We can overcome these negative influences by re-awakening the flow of loving energy through us.

We can do this by making a conscious choice to operate from a core position of love.  We can ensure that our thoughts are positive and loving ones.  When we choose to have positive thoughts about love, over time this triggers the release of the negative energy from us, and allows the universal energy of love to flow through us again.  This restores us back to a position of wholeness, and as such is a healing process.  The universe is naturally an abundant place, and to allow love to flow in your life, is to lead a naturally happy life.  Being in love, allows us to share this energy, and immerse ourselves in the flow of love.  It is a beautiful feeling.

Positive Affirmations for Love! is a wonderfully inspirational read, which can help you to operate from a position of love, and allow the flow of love to reignite itself within your core being.  The affirmations will also inspire you to find your perfect partner, and lead a life filled with deep and lasting love.  Available now for you to download on Amazon Kindle, and FREE from 10th to 14th August.  Click here to grab your copy - http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DV1DSWM