Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Positive Affirmations for Health!- Use these everyday to promote great health.

Here are some Positive Affirmations for Health for you to use every day.

These are all taken from my new book called Positive Affirmations for Health!
Click here for more details http://myBook.to/PosAffsHealth

Achieve Optimal Health

I have perfect health, and I easily and effortlessly maintain perfect health every day throughout my life.

I look after and cherish my mind, body and soul by leading a happy life of balance and joy.

I am in complete control of my health.  I create my optimum healthy state by being vibrant, happy and full of joy and love each day.

I have abundant vitality and tremendous energy, and I live every day with passion and love.

I am truly healthy, and grateful for the opportunities that great health allows me to experience.

I sleep well at night, and I awake feeling calm and refreshed.

I am full of energy and love, and eagerly look forward to doing all the daily activities which are presented to me.

I am healthy, happy and whole in every way.  I look after my health by eating healthily, and by looking after my body.

All the cell in my body, in my skin and blood and every organ vibrate with energy and health, in perfect harmony and synchronicity with each other.

Allow your body to heal

My body is able to heal quickly and easily, and does so all the time with my intention and awareness focused on healing, wellbeing and health.

My mind and soul are truly at peace, and within the deep core of my spiritual self I feel contentment and love.

I love and care for myself, and I actively communicate with every cell in my body on a daily basis, and ask each cell to be healthy and to work in harmony with every other cell.

I visualize my cells as containing healthy energy, and I ask all unhealthy cells to cease to exist, and to be replaced with healthy cells. 

I offer gratitude as I know that renewal happens all the time within my wonderful body.

My body is completely healthy and happy and I see myself as wonderful in every way.

I am happy to receive full health from the universe, and I feel strong, whole and completely alive.

My vibrational level of health and wellness increases every second, as I think healthier thoughts so I become happier and whole.

I achieve great balance within my life, and I am very healthy in my body, mind and spiritual self, combined.

I embrace life, and I am strong and calm and overflowing with abundance and health.

I hope you enjoy these!  It is important to be healthy, as having our health allows us to get the most that we can out of each day of our lives.  Combining this with a positive outlook can really enhance your life, and will make it more enjoyable on a day to day basis.

These are all taken from my new book called Positive Affirmations for Health!
Click here for more details http://myBook.to/PosAffsHealth




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