Tuesday 13 August 2013

How to use your Positive Affirmations to help you.

Affirmations work by allowing your mind to focus on positive thoughts which channels your energy flow in a new direction.  Repeat you affirmations out loud with a big smile on your face, and visualize in your mind's eye exactly what you want to appear in your life. 


As the world around you start to shift to provide it for you, be open to and recognise this change, and go with it.  Act with intention towards your desired outcome.  And believe completely that it will happen as you see it in your minds eye.


Happiness often comes from letting go of thoughts in our minds which repeat themselves over and over.  Quite often we have a strong negative emotional attachment to these, and they can dominate our thinking time.  Using your affirmations for happiness by deliberately saying them aloud, is an effective way to turn off these negative thoughts. 


It can take some time, depending on the strength of the emotional connection with the negative thought.  With practice and repetition this becomes easier, and your affirmations and positive thoughts will replace the negative ones.


Try this exercise today.  Bring awareness to your thought process.  Whenever to catch yourself having a negative thought, say to yourself STOP, and then repeat a happy and positive affirmation which you like.  Do this as you go throughout your day.  You will find with practice, that you can turn off your negative thoughts and replace these with happy affirmations whenever you choose.


Affirmations are more powerful when spoken aloud with a smile. This is because you are bringing one of your senses into play, and doubling the impact.  So if you can find 5 minutes throughout your day to read your affirmations out loud then do.  Otherwise, repeat them in your mind with conviction.


Have a wonderful day!

Monday 12 August 2013

Best Indie Book! Positive Affirmations for Love!

Learn more about by book, Positive Affirmations for Love!

Positive Affirmations for Love! is FREE today for you to download on Amazon Kindle.
Click on my ad link above, for more information!  You can learn all about me, my book and even find out what is my favourite book of all time!

And here are some more affirmations for Love for you to use!

Love emanates and radiates from my soul throughout every cell of my being at all times.

Love pervades through me and my body emanates and vibrates at the harmony of love.

I receive love easily, joyously and peacefully, and I love being loving.

I release all worries and fears, and allow love to find me effortlessly.

I recognize that it is love that unites the universe, and that love is the true creative energy of all things.

The greatest thing that I have to offer to the world ultimately is love.

I am deserving of a great love in my life.

I believe and acknowledge that all relationships are able to be joyous harmonious happy and delightful.

I am ready and open to the receiving of loving in my world.

I am ready for a loving relationship to come into my life.

I am open to the idea of love, and act on the wavelengths of love.

Sunday 11 August 2013

Positive Affirmations for Happiness! Be happy today!

Be happy today.  Happiness is a choice which comes from within, and is expressed from a position of love within us to the world.  You can use these affirmations, just as they are in your own life to become deeply and truly happy.  Also you can change the affirmations to make them specific to your own circumstances.  Repeat them to yourself as you go about your day!  If you can say them out loud and smile as you do, so much the better.  Have a wonderful day!

Allow love to enter your life!

Here are some Positive Affirmations on love for you to enjoy!

Positive Affirmations for Love! Watch this and use these affirmations to help you express and feel love!

Hello, I have recorded some more positive affirmations for love for you to use in your life to help you to express love, and to accept love into your world!  Love is a wonderful experience, and I truly want you to be happy and allow love to flow through you.

Positive Affirmations for Happiness will be Free on Wednesday 14th to Sun 18th Aug!

Positive Affirmations for Happiness will be free for you to download on Amazon Kindle from Weds 14th August to Sun 18th August.  Grab your copy here http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CWKR2QQ - US link, and here is the UK onehttp://amzn.to/16CCHjh

Positive Affirmations for Love - FREE for you today!

Positive Affirmations for Love! is FREE today for you to download on Amazon Kindle!  Click on the links to grab your copy today! http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DV1DSWM - US Link, and here is the UK link - http://amzn.to/1cxIhrx

Thursday 8 August 2013

Positive Affirmations for Love! Love is the most important experience that we can have in our lives.

I believe that Love is the most important experience that we can have in our lives.

Love is the creative expression of the universe, the flow of energy which supports us all.  As humans, when we fall in love, we share a magical connection, and create unique and beautiful moments together.  These moments are created from a harmonious vibration of universal energy - a symphony of infinite beauty.

There are different ways to experience love as well.  When you operate from a position of love within your heart, you experience the world in a wonderful way, and you see the love and beauty that is all around.  When people talk about being blinded by love, this is the experience that they are referring to, the flow of the life force of love that block out all negative aspects of life.  Love is a force, the creative force of the universe, and we are truly blessed to be able to experience this as humans within our lives.

As people, we transmit energy, which connects us to others.  When we allow love to flow freely through us, our lives are wonderful and we feel truly happy and blessed.  When we close ourselves off to love (and there are many reasons for this to occur) we experience negative energy and thoughts, and we halt the flow of universal energy.  The negative energy remains trapped inside of us and drains us, physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally.  We can overcome these negative influences by re-awakening the flow of loving energy through us.

We can do this by making a conscious choice to operate from a core position of love.  We can ensure that our thoughts are positive and loving ones.  When we choose to have positive thoughts about love, over time this triggers the release of the negative energy from us, and allows the universal energy of love to flow through us again.  This restores us back to a position of wholeness, and as such is a healing process.  The universe is naturally an abundant place, and to allow love to flow in your life, is to lead a naturally happy life.  Being in love, allows us to share this energy, and immerse ourselves in the flow of love.  It is a beautiful feeling.

Positive Affirmations for Love! is a wonderfully inspirational read, which can help you to operate from a position of love, and allow the flow of love to reignite itself within your core being.  The affirmations will also inspire you to find your perfect partner, and lead a life filled with deep and lasting love.  Available now for you to download on Amazon Kindle, and FREE from 10th to 14th August.  Click here to grab your copy - http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DV1DSWM

Monday 5 August 2013

It is so important to be grateful! Gratitude Affirmations for you!

Gratitude tells the universe that you are actively aware of, and thankful for the good things in your life! Offer gratitude on a daily basis.  Here are some positive affirmations for gratitude to get you started!
I am truly grateful and thankful for the opportunity to be me, and to create the world that I love.

Thank you for allowing me to be me at all times.

I am exceedingly grateful that this beautiful world is in my life, and I share my love with everyone in the universe.

I am confident enough to meet peoples gaze, knowing that every time I do, I have an opportunity to convey through my soul, and the quantum energy field which surrounds all of us, a message of gratitude and joy and love, and I am privileged that the universe gives me this opportunity with many people on a daily basis.

I thank the universe for allowing me to repeat my affirmations, in order that I may attune every cell of my being into my positive affirmations, which will become my base harmony for my beliefs to create the life I truly deserve.

I live every second of my life with thanks, praise, and gratitude, and am truly grateful to the amazing potentiality of creation, and my role within this.

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You will find my book Positive Affirmations for Love here, as well as many other ebooks!

I hope you enjoy these!

Positive Affirmations for Gratitude - it is important to be grateful!

Here are some Positive Affirmations for Gratitude for you!
I am deeply grateful for creation and observation, as one fluid movement from which I form.

I offer gratitude for the love of family and friends within my life.

I continually exist within a state of deep gratitude as a base level for love.

Gratitude vibrates with the intention of love in every cell of my body, and my energy systems are all in complete harmony and unison with gratitude.

Through being grateful, I align with love.

I am grateful for thought, and form, and substance.

I am grateful for all the wonderful things which occur in my life on a daily basis.

In my sleep I dream of inspiration and love, and I am grateful for the deep restfulness that sleep provides.

I am fully willing to embrace all experiences as an opportunity to learn and develop, and I am grateful for the insight which experience provides.

I am grateful for the hugs and smiles that I receive from my friends and family on a daily basis.

I release all pain and hurt from myself, with gratitude and deep love as I intend towards abundance.

I release all resentment and anger and pain and I am deeply grateful for the lessons which these have taught me about myself.

In gratitude and emanating gratitude, I find deep inner peace at the core of myself.

I am at peace with myself and the world, and allow life to wash over me with love for all.

I create joyously with gratitude for my creation.

I give thanks for the understanding of infinite potentiality, as I fully understand that everything I desire already exists within infinite potentiality.
https://www.amazon.com/author/carolinekingsbury  - see my titles available on Amazon Kindle

Positive Affirmations for Gratitude! Offer Gratitude Daily!

Positive Affirmations for Success - Caroline reads some Affirmations for Success!

Friday 2 August 2013

Positive Affirmations for Happiness!

Become Happy and Harmonious!
I am truly and deeply harmonious.


I exist in a truly harmonious state of bliss.


I am happy and healthy, and I am balanced.


I choose to embrace a healthy life.


I release myself into love.

I harmonize with the love in the universe.

I trust myself and I am at peace within.

I accept peace into my world.

I love and deeply approve of myself.

I love and enjoy my wonderful and amazing life.

I rejoice in life.

I move forward easily with happiness in my heart.  I am wonderful just as I am now.

I am willing to experience the magnificence of life in all areas of my life.

I move forward with true, open and honest love in my heart.

Love and harmony are present within me at all times.

My life is truly harmonious.

I allow myself to enjoy every moment of every day based completely in the present moment.

The possibilities of life are truly wonderful and unlimited.

I am powerful. I send love and light to everyone living on this earth. I receive love and light from everybody around me.
Check out the rest of my blog and grab your free copy!

Positive Affirmations for Happiness! Free Here




Grab your free copy today

Positive Affirmations for Success! - Here is the cover!


Positive Affirmations for Weight Loss

Become slim and stay slim forever.


Becoming slim makes me feel fabulous and I embrace each day at the opportunities that arise with it to the best of my ability.


As I become slimmer and move towards my optimum weight I enjoy my increased confidence and looks.


I am truly grateful for the wonderful world which I experience on a daily basis.


Healthy foods taste fabulous and it is a joy and a privilege for me to enjoy healthy food every day in the full knowledge that my body moves towards an optimal state of weight and health as a result.


I enjoy losing weight, as by working out I have made lots of new friends, and we all support and motivate each other and share our goals together.


I consider the health of the foods I eat before I eat them, and I love eating fruit and vegetables throughout my day as I recognise their nutritional value in my life.


I am truly grateful for the variety and abundance of fruit and vegetables available to me on a daily basis.


Losing weight comes naturally to me.
http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CWPQ8QG  - Positive Affirmations for Success… in all areas of your life! – Amazon Kindle Link - Click on the link for more information!

Affirmations for your Work and Career

Achieve your dream job or career, and be fulfilled within it.


I am successful in my chosen career. I confidently go forwards, knowing that I am successful, and that I can achieve all my goals and much more in a timely manner.


People value my opinion and my leadership qualities, and I am highly effective at work.


I am able to organize my time effectively, and can plan efficiently both on paper and in my mind.


I find it easy to meet deadlines, and I remain calm and free from stress under pressure at all times.


I am passionate about my vocation, and I arrive at work every day with joy and excitement.


I love meeting people and communicating my ideas to people, and am inspired by the creativity in others.


I am determined and persistent in all areas of my life, which enables me to achieve the things that I desire.


I always achieve my goals with love and complete faith in my heart.


I write down and memorize my goals, in the present tense in great detail, and I repeat my goals with conviction, and emotion, and belief and praise every single day.


As I repeat my goals, I feel the emotion of success and achievement within me and I smile.
Taken from my book called Positive Affirmations for Success... in all areas of your life! Get your copy now http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CWPQ8QG




You may find to start with that you feel that you do not believe what you are saying, or that you feel uneasy or uncomfortable.  Don’t worry if that is the case, it can take a little time for your body to physically adjust to the vibrational power of these incredibly strong affirmations. 

When you start to affirm using the power affirmations, your body will adjust its internal cellular structure to mirror your thoughts.  Your cells will have to adjust, and you may experience initial resistance as a series of strong and overwhelming emotions.


 This is perfectly normal.  If you experience strong emotions when you start to use these power affirmations, accept that this is part of the process, and allow yourself to have these feelings. Allow them to wash over you and through you.  As you progress you will come to a point of calmness and clarity, arising from forgiveness, from which you can move forward into renewal and strength. 


What is happening is that your body is literally ridding itself of negative vibrations, and establishing new positive vibrational patterns.  Negative emotions that have been held in vibrational stasis within your energy systems are freed up and dissipate, and it is this process which has the profound emotional effect which you experience.


This is a process of adjustment, and it may take you some time to feel that you have advanced fully through it.  Allow yourself this time, as long as it takes for you to feel balanced and spiritually renewed.


If you feel a profoundly upsetting emotional reaction when you begin to use power affirmations, then you must simply just use only the following affirmations to release all of your emotional vibrational blockages and to fully heal yourself back to wholeness.


These affirmations are: I love you, I am sorry, I forgive you, thank you.

Affirm to yourself using these 4 phrases over and over again throughout your day, in any order that you like, for several weeks, or for as long as it takes for you to feel inner peace.  Change the order of these to suit you.  It will help you if you can repeat these out loud, whenever you get the chance to.


When you repeat these affirmations, think about what each one is saying to you.  These can be used as if you are talking about yourself, or as if you are talking about another person, perhaps someone who you need to forgive.  As you repeat these affirmations, the areas that you need to release will come to mind.  Allow this to happen.  It may be painful at first, however it is necessary for you to heal.


These affirmations will affect profound change. Be open to this change, with your heart and soul or spiritual self.  You must undergo this journey of forgiveness and letting go, before you are ready to move on to the next part of your journey of personal and spiritual growth and change.


It is absolutely necessary to operate in the creative realm from a position of complete and absolute love.  Remember if you think negative thoughts, you simultaneously create a negative reality. 


This stage of your journey is to use the power affirmations to remove any negative thoughts, and to replace these with ones of love.




High level power affirmations are over-riding and all encompassing, higher level affirmations which heighten your overall vibrational being.


These powerful affirmations act as the core for setting your future intentions.  These high level vibrations act as a neutralizing pallet, for you to begin creating from a base level intention of love.


The daily usage and repetition of these power affirmations will start to dissolve and neutralize all the negative energy held within you.  All the anger, hurt, pain and sadness, that has been part of you up until this moment, will begin to leave you, and will dissipate away, leaving you feeling calm and at peace, with love and joy as the new basic state from which you now operate.  This is the tremendous power of the power affirmations, which now belongs to you.


You can use this power to bring your total self into a position of love.  By using the power affirmations you will forgive yourself and others, and allow love to permeate your whole world.  You will align the mind, body, physical and emotional, and soul or spiritual aspects of yourself, into one whole, and you will feel joyous and happy and at peace.


Alignment of every aspect of yourself is crucially important.  If one aspect of yourself is out of sync, then the vibrational through message that you transmit is confused, and you will thwart your desired outcome.  Equally if you hold negative emotion in any one part of you, you will hinder yourself, and prevent yourself from creating a truly abundant universe.  The first step you now take, is to operate from a base level of love.

Positive Affirmations for Confidence and Anxiety!

I have a multitude of options open to me, and always make the best decisions I can for myself.


I am grounded and stable and strong emotionally.


I am willing to make changes in my life which I know will lead me towards greater happiness. 

Here are some Positive Affirmations for Confidence and Anxiety.

Find your inner strength

I understand that making changes can feel daunting, however I take change in my stride, and I have the confidence and faith to see it through.


I always move in a positive direction towards my desires, and even through sometimes it feels hard, I keep going, as I am strong and confident in myself.

I accept criticism with grace, and it no longer emotionally affects me or brings me down.


When I am down and feel alone, I am never afraid, as I know that universal love is all around me.  It is up to me to find a way to allow it in, and I have faith that there is a way through depression, and that I can find it.


I am always supported by love and consciousness, and I believe that I am loved.


I am strong enough to seek help whenever I require it.


I deserve to be happy, and I keep moving forward with belief in my heart that I am loved and that life can get better.


It is ok to be alone and to try and reflect and find peace.
These are taken from my book Positive Affirmations for Confidence and Anxiety - click here to grab your copy now http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DUVQNDY